Leading Company for 
RF Solutions

SangShin ICT - ARG Technology was established in 2008 as a Cavity Filter components design and manufacturing company. Since 2014, We have been supplying Combiners and Dividers to SK Telecom. SangShin ICT is one of the Cavity & Ceramic Filters, Divider and Coupler, Spectrum Analyzer and OTDR makers, capable of processing from the raw materials and parts to finished Components. We are also a Repeater and Amplifier supplier combining with a main Repeater and AMP manufacturer, FRTEK in Korea. SangShin ICT headquarter and main production facility are based in Ansan City, KOREA


Passive and Active Sloutions for Your Business

Sangshin ICT &
ARG Technology

SangShin ICT (ARG Technology) strives to be the RF solution provider for our partners. We work with our partners very closely to overcome RF challenges. Our RF team consists of experienced RF engineers and Mobile Service Operator, SKT which enable us to provide result-focused solutions to meet customer’s need at very preliminary design stage. Our filter solutions have been approved and qualified by SKT and Repeater manufactuers such as FRTEK ,RF Window and Solid in Korea..

Leading Company for 
RF Solutions

SangShin ICT - ARG Technology was established in 2008 as a Cavity Filter components design and manufacturing company. Since 2014, We have been supplying Combiners and Dividers to SK Telecom. SangShin ICT is one of the Cavity & Ceramic Filters, Divider and Coupler, Spectrum Analyzer and OTDR makers, capable of processing from the raw materials and parts to finished Components. We are also a Repeater and Amplifier supplier combining with a main Repeater and AMP manufacturer, FRTEK in Korea. SangShin ICT headquarter and main production facility are based in Ansan City, KOREA


Passive and Active Sloutions for Your Business

Sangshin ICT & ARG Technology

SangShin ICT (ARG Technology) strives to be the RF solution provider for our partners. We work with our partners very closely to overcome RF challenges. Our RF team consists of experienced RF engineers and Mobile Service Operator, SKT which enable us to provide result-focused solutions to meet customer’s need at very preliminary design stage. Our filter solutions have been approved and qualified by SKT and Repeater manufactuers such as FRTEK ,RF Window and Solid in Korea..


21, Seonggok-ro 198 gil, Danwon-gu,

Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15421, KOREA

Tel. : +82-31-342-9542

Fax: +32-31-494-6014

Email: chris@ssict.co.kr

CopyrightⓒSANGSHIN ICT All Rights Reserved.


21, Seonggok-ro 198 gil, Danwon-gu,

Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15421, KOREA

Tel. : +82-31-342-9542

Fax: +32-31-494-6014

Email: sales@ssict.co.kr

CopyrightⓒSANGSHIN ICT All Rights Reserved.